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We build WordPress web sites, repair computers and built custom computers tailored to your needs.

Serving Nevada City CA and Grass Valley CA Area. Since 1996 to 2023

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5pageBusiness Website

  • Custom theme template

  • Email contact form

  • Location map

  • WordPress pages (CMS)

  • Search engine optimized pages

  • MYSQL data base setup

  • WordPress  instalation

  • Custom graphics and slide show

woopageEcommerce Website

  • Custom theme template

  • Email contact form

  • Location map

  • WordPress pages (CMS)

  • Search engine optimized

  • MYSQL data base setup

  • WordPress + woo Commerce ext.

  • Custom graphics and slideshow

  • PayPal  payment gateway

personalpagePersonal Website

  • Custom theme template

  • Email contact form

  • Three WordPress pages

  • Search engine optimized

  • MYSQL data base setup

  • WordPress instalation

  • Custom graphics and slideshow

Let us revive your dream.

Giving your business direction.

For Smart Solutions.

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